For the longest time, I’ve been using a cropped souvenir photo as my website’s favorite icon and my blog’s various social media profile picture. The photo was taken at the Space Needle while on vacation to Seattle a few years ago and I told myself then (and on a regular basis since) that it’d be temporary until I could manage to find something better. But when you’ve got a face as goofy-looking as mine is, “finding something better” is easier said than done.
Ultimately, I decided that I needed the help of a professional. No, not that kind of professional! I contacted an artist, Gilly Hathaway, and asked them if she could apply their creative wizardy to my face and come up with a creative, yet simple, replacement for my old avatar. And this is what they came up with:

Gilly knocked it out of the park, I think they did a fantastic job. If you are in the market for something similar, I can’t recommend them enough. Check out Gilly’s Comissions Page for more details.
As far as my new image goes, I’ve got it updated across my blog’s social media profiles and I’ve changed the site’s favorite icon to use it. In the future, I’ll probably incorporate it into some of my various home automation blogs using something I just ordered from Amazon. I’m a bit excited to see how it turns out!